MRG Members
Advisory Board
Goals & Objectives



Faculty Workshops
Dissertation Workshops
Graduate Seminars

International Conferences

The Subaltern-Popular Conference 2: Re-Visioning Analytic Frames
(October 21-22, 2005)


The Subaltern-Popular Conference 1(March 8-9, 2004)




“Subaltern-Popular” MRG will facilitate and promote research and understanding of the subaltern -- the disenfranchised, and the popular, as subjects and modes of inquiry into culture and history. By disclosing the presence of the disenfranchised in everyday cultural formations, our effort is to change the way we study and teach history and culture, and to re-evaluate the role of the humanities and arts in the politics of globalization and the nation-state.

Save the Dates

Dissertation Workshop 2 : September 30, 2008

Faculty Workshop 2 : November 3-5, 2007

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University of California, Santa Barbara