Agenda: Dissertation Workshop 2
Sunday, September 30, 2007
IHC Conference Room, 6th Floor, HSSB
Faculty Moderators:
- Prof. Parama Roy, English, UC Davis
- Prof. Michael Provence, History, UC San Diego
Session 1: 9am-12:30pm
- Camila Pastor de Maria y Campos, Anthropology, UC Los Angeles
The Mashreq in Mexico: Marraige and the Making of a Syrio Lebaniese Middle Class
- Shalini Kakar, History of Art & Architecture, UC Santa Barbara
Fashioning the Divine: Religiosity, Fandom and Cultural Politics in Contemporary India
Session 2: 1:30pm-5pm
- Shalini Ayyagari, Ethnomusicology, UC Berkeley
Creating Spaces for Success:Narrowing Gaps and Widening Capacities for Empowerment among Hereditary Musicians in Western Rajasthan
- James Grippo, Ethnomusicology, UC Santa Barbara
Music of the People: Egyptian Sha‘bī Popular Music, Working Class Identity, and Cultural Policy in Contemporary Egypt
Past Dissertation Workshops
Call for Applications for 2007-2008